Major changes to private car and public transport in Otaniemi

This news is copied from ACRE’s webpage.

The construction of the New Building (Väre) of Aalto University and the modification of the campus area centre in Otaniemi will be fully launched in December 2015. Preparations have already been made throughout the summer and autumn.

The renovation and area improvement will take about two-and-a-half years, and the work site will cut Otaniementie from Vuorimiehentie to Tietotie. Pedestrian traffic, private car and public transport will be rerouted when Otaniementie is cut on Friday, 18 December.

Most of the public transport from Kehä I will be rerouted to Tekniikantie–Vuorimiehentie–Otaniementie. Most of Otakaari public transport will be rerouted to Otakaari–Dipoli–Otaniementie. The changes apply to Espoo-internal lines 10 and 15 as well as regional lines 102, 103, 194, 195, 501V, 506, 510, 550 and 552. From the link below you can find the new routes: Otaniemi public transport map.

Private car traffic and pedestrian traffic will be rerouted with traffic signs and guides. The street construction and communication related to the changes are being prepared.

We will communicate about the changes later in November.

For further information, please contact:
Jarmo Wilander, Aalto CRE, tel. +358 9 4390 060
Mika Breilin, Jokioisten Maanrakennus Oy, tel. +358 40 763 6616


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