Veckobrev 8/2018

Det här är AUS veckobrev 8/2018. I veckobrevet hittar du nyheter från AUS, föreningarna och sektionerna och annan nyttig information.


Ha en jättefin måndag! Den här veckans nyhetsbrev handlar om rekryteringar, mat och innehåller också några nöjestips. Lå inte polarvirveln frysa ner dig!


Om du vill att din egen text ska ingå i veckobrevet ska du skicka den färdiga texten till adressen senast kl. 10.00 på torsdag föregående vecka.

Nyheter som gäller föreningarna hittar du i föreningsbrevet. Läs nyhetsbrevet på adressen /yhdistystiedote


Vecka 8

20.2. Teknologseglarnas skärgårdsskepparkurs börjar /blog/events/teekkaripurjehtijoiden-saaristolaivurikurssi-alkaa/
21.2 Korsets gille: Oltermannikväll /blog/events/ristin-kilta-oltermanni-ilta/
24.2 Kondensatio 127 /blog/events/kondensatio-127/

Vecka 9

1.3 Teknologseglarnas kustskepparkurs börjar /blog/events/teekkaripurjehtijoiden-rannikkolaivurikurssi-alkaa/



  1. Sök jobb hos studentkåren!


  1. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open


  1. Restaurang Alvari på Otnäs campus stängd 16–25.2
  2. Överbliven mat till salu i studentrestaurangerna


  1. Public Lecture: Recent Trends in Cybercrime 22.2.
  2. Annex Aalto 28.2.
  3. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!
  4. Pirates of the Baltic Sea 25–27.3.


  1. Tikelo presents: Dunkirk (2017) 20.2.


  1. Loppis i Smökki 25.2. 12–16
  2. Teknologseglernas skepparkurser börjar igen




1. Sök jobb hos studentkåren!

AUS söker just nu en bostadssekreterare.

Som bostadssekreterare är du en viktig del av teamet som strävar efter att uppnå studentkårens vision: AUS – Världens bästa studentliv. Bostadssekreterarna hjälper våra medlemmar i boenderelaterade ärenden, behandlar bostadsansökningar, gör upp hyresavtal och deltar mångsidigt i produktionen och utvecklingen av AUS medlemsservice.

Ansökningstiden går ut 27.2.2018 kl. 12.00.

Mer info på adressen /sv/studentkar/lediga-tjanster/bostadssekreterare/




2. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open

Tieto has several summer trainee positions open again across Finland in Espoo, Kuopio, Tampere and Oulu.

The application period started on Thursday, February 1st and is open until February 22nd.

Most summer jobs will start in the beginning of June and last until the end of August. Application period 1.–22.2.2018.

If you want to spend your next summer working in the ever-inspiring IT industry with great colleagues, check Tieto’s summer job opportunities now!ätyö

You can follow us on…
and Facebook:
…to learn more about what we do.

#tietolife #summerjob




3. Restaurang Alvari på Otnäs campus stängd 16–25.2

Restaurang Alvari är stängd på grund av renovering 16–25.2.2018. Torsdag 15.2 är Alvari öppen enligt fredagens öppettider kl. 10.45–15.00.

Under renoveringen håller café Aino öppet som vanligt.

Övriga campusrestauranger:


4. Överbliven mat till salu i studentrestaurangerna

Minska matsvinnet och ät gott – Fazers och Sodexos studentrestauranger säljer överbliven mat som takeaway!

I Fazers restauranger kan du under tio minuter efter stängningstid köpa med dig dagens lunchmat som blivit över.

Följande Fazerrestauranger på Otnäs campus säljer överbliven mat:

Alvari, Otsvängen 1
Dipoli, Otsvängen 24
TUAS-huset, Marvägen 18
Rafla, Runebergsgatan 14–16
Chydenia, Runebergatan 22
Meccala, Tavastvägen 135 C, 5 vån.

I Fazers restauranger kostar en överbliven lunch 3 €/låda (7,5 dl). Tar du med en egen burk i samma storlek är priset 2,80 €!

I Sodexos restauranger kan du köpa med dig överbliven mat de sista tio minuterna av lunchtiden. Sodexos restauranger på Aalto-universitetets campus:

Maskinteknik, Otsvängen 4
Kasper, Bergsmansvägen 2
Kvarkki, Otsvängen 3
Datateknikhuset, Maskinbyggarvägen 2
Valimo, Metallmansgränden 2

I Sodexos restauranger kostar en take me home-lunch 5 €/liter eller 3 €/0,5 liter. Studentrabatt -50 %!




5. Public Lecture: Recent Trends in Cybercrime 22.2.

Speaker: Yves Vandermeer, Chair of the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group.

Cybersecurity is a trending topic nowadays, but what about Cyber crime, Dark markets, and Crypto currencies? Who are the cyber criminals, how are they organised, what tools do they use, and how do they choose their victims? Are we all targeted or are some of us more vulnerable? And finally, what is being done by law enforcement?

This lecture is open to everyone. It is intended for a broad audience and does not require any background in information security. The lecture will be approximately 45 minutes, after which there will be time for questions.

About the speaker: Yves Vandermeer holds an MSc in Computer Forensics, and has 20 years of experience in law enforcement as a computer crime and computer forensics practitioner. Since 2017, he has been working for the Norwegian Police University College where he carries out research on file systems forensics, live data and network forensics.

VENUE: Lumituuli Auditorium, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150, Espoo.
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, 22 February, 18:00–19:30 (doors open at 17:30).

The event is free of charge, but registration is required:


6. Annex Aalto 28.2.

How can you stand out?

Annex Aalto is here and this year we’re focusing on you! Our mission is to help you to maximise your performance and give you the tools needed to succeed at school or at work and become You 2.0.

Join us in Dipoli on Wednesday 28.2.2018 to experience the demos in the Playground area and to delve deeper in the workshop of your choice.

Don’t just listen, learn by doing!

Read more information on the program and apply to workshops (be quick) at and


7. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!

Are you interested in studying possibilities abroad?
Want to become more international?
Did you hear that there is free food?

Register yourself to an info event about studying abroad organized together by BEST Helsinki, InnoEnergy and Aalto University Learning and Career Services.

The event is held 8th of March 16:00–18:00 at the Harald Herlin Learning Center (Otaniementie 9, Espoo)

The event is open to all Aalto students! But please register and tell us you are coming, so we can reserve enough snacks and drinks. The main language of the event is English.

BEST Helsinki is currently working under Mosaic, the international section of Aalto University Student Union. We have a team of 25 active members who run the Local BEST Group (Board of European Students of Technology) and its events, such as the annual academic courses.

InnoEnergy is a company aiming at increasing sustainable growth and competitiveness of the energy sector across Europe.

We will also have Börje Helenius from Aalto University School of Engineering giving info on applying to International Master’s Programs.

Aalto University Career Services will also tell us about international traineeship possibilities and the GoingGlobal service!

After the event you are welcome to join an evening hangaround with BEST Helsinki at our renovated clubroom starting at 18.30!

Register here:

For more info of the event contact: Ville Alasalmi (+358402715327)

WHAT: The Study Abroad! event
WHEN: 8.3.2018 at 16:00–18:00
WHERE: Harald Herlin Learning Center, Otaniementie 9, Espoo
WHY: Because of all the possibilities!


8. Pirates of the Baltic Sea 25–27.3.

Calling all seafaring party people!

Pirates of the Baltic Sea, the biggest and baddest cruise on the Baltic, is calling you to hoist the masts and sail from Helsinki to Stockholm March 25–27th. Experience two nights of insane partying aboard our ship and one day on land to plunder Stockholm. Join over 1,000 international students from across the seven seas!

TICKETS on sale now via


The name says it all, just be creative, your local second-hand shops can be full of surprises. The best costumes will be rewarded. Student overalls are a good idea too!

WHAT: ESN Finland’s Pirates of the Baltic Sea
WHERE: Helsinki – Stockholm – Helsinki
WHEN: 25.03.2018–27.03.2018
PRICE: 75 €
OTHER: Age limit 18 years!

MORE… and




9. Tikelo presents: Dunkirk (2017) 20.2.

As the exam week is closing to an end, we can finally focus on more important matters, like enjoying movies with some snacks and good company. This time over we shall present you Dunkirk, a film that has received 8 Oscar nominations including best picture and best director.

This war film is about Allied soldiers evacuating from the shores of the French city Dunkirk during World War II with the help of rather unusual allies. The director is no one other than the renowned Christopher Nolan, a guarantee for a great film.

WHAT: Movie Dunkirk by Christopher Nolan (2017)
WHERE: KY building, 3rd floor
WHEN: 20.2 18:00
WHY: why not lol




10. Loppis i Smökki 25.2. 12–16

Har du samlat ihop alldeles för mycket grejer? Eller letar du efter ett enkelt och billigt sätt att köpa nya kläder eller andra saker till hemmet? Mosaic startar året med en loppis för alla Aaltoiter!

Kom och gör fynd eller ta med dig dina egna saker till försäljning! Boka bord här:


P.S. Vi säljer också billiga chokladrutor på loppis. Välkommen!


11. Teknologseglernas skepparkurser börjar igen

Om seglingens utmaningar, farten och det sköna livet på sjön intresserar dig är våra skepparkurser det bästa sättet att komma igång!

Skärgårdsskepparkursen börjar tis 20.2 kl. 17.30–20.00 och kustskepparkursen tors 1.3 samma tid. Båda kurserna avslutas med en tentamen fre 20.4 kl. 18–22 och kostar 75 €/st., 45 € för enbart examen.

Mer info och anmälningar på följande adress:

Kolla också in vår webbplats:


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