

Öppettider av AUS:s serviceställen under julferie

Öppetider av AUS:s serviceställena under julferie är följande:

Otnäs serviceställe

17.12. öppet kl 9-11 och 12-14
18.12. öppet kl 9-12
21.-29.12. stängd
30.12. öppet kl  9-11 och 12-16
31.12. öppet kl 9-12.
1.1. stängd

Jourtjänstgöring för att bara hämta nyckel till lokaler
mån 21.12. kl 15-17 och mån 28.12. kl 15-17

Om ovannämnda tider inte passar, vänligen kontakta fastighetsassistent (050 520 9437), att komma överens om en bättre tid.


17.12. kl 9-14
18.12. kl 9-12
Stängd 21.-29.12.
30.12. kl 12-16
31.12. kl 9-13
1.1. stängd

Arabia serviceställe

Stängd 21.12.-3.1.2016
Öppet som normalt fr.o.m. 4.1.2016

International students’ new insurance packages are now ready for purchasing

As a solution to international students’ difficulties in finding a suitable health insurance, Aalto University has negotiated an insurance package together with other Finnish institutions through Marsh broker company. The insurance package has now become available for purchasing. Aalto University Student Union AYY thanks Aalto University for taking prompt action to answer AYY’s initiative on negotiating these insurance packages.

The inavailability of reliable insurances with good coverage and a reasonable price has been a big problem for international students from several countries outside the EU/EEA and the student movement in Finland has been actively promoting group insurances as a solution for several years.

AYY is also glad that Aalto took the initiative to organise the tendering in cooperation with all Finnish universities and universities of applied science, thus achieving a lower price for the package and a significant improvement to international students’ situation in many institutions all over Finland.

The package costs €260 per year (or €0,71 a day) for students who have access to the Finnish Student Health Service FSHS (all students who are members of the student union AYY). If an exchange student, who stays in Finland for a shorter period, is not a member of AYY, a package with larger coverage is available for €431 per year.

The package meets the requirements of the Finnish Immigration Service for obtaining a residence permit. For more detailed information about purchasing the insurance please read the instructions by Aalto. If you have more questions, please contact your school’s Student services.

The student union is interested in following how the new insurance package works and how well it covers students’ needs. If you have feedback about the insurances’ coverage, availability, price or something else, please share your experiences with AYY’s Specialist for International Affairs Hanna Sauli: international(at)ayy.fi.