Aalto Airport Welcome Desk

Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, Arrival Hall 2 A inside Terminal 2
31.8.2013 10:00—20:00 2.9.2013

When booking your flights, please note that the recommended arrival days for our international students are 31 August – 2 September. During these days Aalto staff will be at the Helsinki Airport to help you find your way to the city or your accommodation. When arriving at the Helsinki Airport, look for a Welcome Desk in Arrival Hall 2 A inside Terminal 2. Aalto staff will be there from  31 August to 2 September between 10 am and 8 pm. Please note that the Aalto staff will be there to welcome you, guide you and answer your questions, but will not be able to accompany you to your destination or provide airport pick-up service. Although Aalto staff will only be at the airport during these specific dates , the welcome desk in Arrival hall 2 will be available at other times as well, staffed by the skilled Helsinki Region Welcome Weeks personnel as part of the Welcome Weeks programme.The Welcome Weeks staff will be at the desk from 19 August to 8 September between 10 am and 8 pm.

Aalto University


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