AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development Cooperation Week: Afro style dance class

13.10.2014 14:00—15:00

AYY Kehyviikko brings you not only seminars, fairs and debates, but some sporty time to refresh your mind as well! You are invited to a Afro dance class, instructed by Unisport. The class is free so be quick and reserve your space!

From 14:00 – 15:00, Unisport Otaniemi, Otaranta 6

Dance style: Afro style

Instructor: Meri-Tuuli Caven

Max participants: 30
Registration through link below:

Remember to be at Unisport premise a few minutes before class starts to change to comfortable training clothes and bring along a bottle of water!

AYY Development Cooperation Week


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