AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development Cooperation Week: Global fair

Y-lobby, Otaniemi Main Building

Otakaari 1, Main building

Otaniemi, Espoo
15.10.2014 13:00—16:00

AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development Cooperation Week is finally here! Join the week and connect with the changers, the makers and the adventure seekers! AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development and Cooperation Week offers seminars, debates, movie night, breakfast and discussion, music and dancing! Be there, open your mind and create your connection!

During the Global Fair event, organizations & associations will introduce more information about training, internships, and their activities regarding development and cooperation.
Time and Venue: Wednesday 15.10. at 13 – 16:00 at Y-lobby first floor, Main Building, Otakaari 1


  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Unit for Development Communication
  • UniPID- FInnish University Partnership for International Development
  • UFF
  • IBM Finland
  • Aalto Global Impact
  • New Global
  • CIMO – Center for International Mobility
  • United Nation Youth of Finland – UN YK-nouret
  • AIESEC Aalto
  • Creative Sustainability program representatives
  • IDBM program representatives

Welcome to the Global Fair and ask the questions you want!

See the whole program of the week on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ayykehyviikko

AYY Development Cooperation Week


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