AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development Cooperation Week 2015

Otaniemi Campus and city center, Helsinki

Intiankatu 21 A 005

Espoo and Helsinki
26.10.2015 9:45 a.m.—4:00 p.m.

Welcome to Development Cooperation Week at Aalto University!

AYY Development Cooperation Week is an annual theme week organized during the last week of October. Our aim is to raise the awareness of global responsibility between Finland and  cooperation with developing countries. In the year 2015, the focus is on, “Technology and Development”. During the week, students and interested participants can join discussions, workshops, and a global fair and other nightly events that inspire students to think about  global development issues and introduce inspiring projects done in the global south.  Join and learn more about career possibilities, studying and volunteering in developing countries! 

See our full schedule below at the AYY page:


Participate in events  and sign up for inspiring and motivating seminars, discussions, workshops and much more from our FB pages listed below:


Here you can browse our full list  of Facebook events during the week as well:





Briana Romero
brianaromero8@gmail.com 0406471852