CEMS Seminar: Responsible Global Leadership

Aalto University School of Business, Stora Enso Hall (Chydenia H-324)
16.1.2015 13:30—16:30

We would like to warmly welcome you to a CEMS Seminar in Responsible Global Leadership on Friday 16 January at 1.30 pm at the Stora Enso Hall (Chydenia H-324) of Aalto University School of Business.

Ms. Rebecca Piekkari (Vice Dean, Aalto Biz) opens the seminar with a few words, after which Mr. Bruce Oreck (Executive in Residence, Aalto Biz) will share his views on Responsible Global Leadership. Mr. Jussi Hiltunen (Associate Principal at McKinsey & Co.) will continue by discussing responsibility and the business perspective. At the end, there will be a brief Q&A session.

The event is open to all Aalto students, faculty and alumni. Please register your seat as soon as possible (12 January at the latest) by sending an e-mail to cems@aalto.fi. Limited number of seats available.

More information on Facebook.




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