CEMS Stage 2014 I Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

PwC-Sali, Chydenia Building, Aalto University School of Business

Runeberginkatu 22-24

25.11.2014 17:00—20:00

The annual CEMS Stage, Aalto’s own ”TED talk”, is here!

This year’s talks will shed light on the topic of turning challenges into opportunities. CEMS Club Helsinki has the utmost pleasure to welcome and introduce you three distinctive speakers:

Saku Tuominen – Idealist
Mikko Hyppönen – Chief Research Officer, F-Secure Oy

Harry ”Hjallis” Harkimo – Entrepreneur

After the talks, there will some time reserved for socializing with complementary snacks and a glass of sparkling. This is also a great opportunity to ask current students and alumni further questions about the CEMS program!

This year, the number of tickets is somewhat more limited. So, make sure you book your free ticket early enough. This link will take you to a Facebook event that contains more information about the speakers, the event as well as instructions to booking your ticket.

See you all there on Tuesday the 25th at 5 pm!

By the way, did you know that the application period to the CEMS MIM program is now open? For more information, see:



CEMS Club Helsinki



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