Hitchball 4000

Around Northern and Eastern Europe
12.6.2015 18:00—23:00 14.6.2015

”One of the best competitions I have joined. I enjoyed the weekend a lot!”

The epic hitchhikiking race Hitchball 4000 is back again! This year the magic happens from Friday, June 12th afternoon/evening until Sunday, June 14th (you must return the latest on the morning of the15th).

The registration for the competition opens on April 19th at: http://www.hitchball4000.fi/registration/ . Meanwhile, find yourself a team mate of the opposite gender and prepare yourself for an adventure you’ll tell your grandchildren! We might organize matching for interested people without a pair, but the number of teams is limited to 45 teams.

The exact rules and the possible participation fee will be announced here closer to the event. You can discover the spirit of the competition and last edition’s rules at: www.hitchball4000.fi

Check out also the websites of our awesome sponsors: http://www.sievo.com/ and http://mendor.com/ .

Hitchpro ry

info@hitchball4000.fi +358407739119