Summer Job and Master´s Thesis Market (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI)

15.1.2015 11:00—16:00

Thu, 15 Jan 2015, 11:00-16:00, Otaniemi campus, Otakaari 1, main lobby, hall D and E

Act now to get an interesting job for the summer 2015  or make new contacts for your coming master´s thesis. Meet alumni at the Alumni Coaching Cafe!

11am-2 pm Company stands
Participating companies ABB, Academic Work, Caruna, Citec Oy, City of Helsinki, Helsingin Energia, John Deere Forestry Oy, Metsä Group, Stora Enso, Studentwork, VTT Technical Research Centreof Finland,  WSP Finland Oy,
Aalto Area:  Aalto-1 Satellite Project, Aaltonaut Program, Aalto Ventures Program, Customized Student Business Projects, EIT ITC Labs Master School, Information Technology Program (ITP)

11am-2 pm Alumni Coaching Café
Alumni from technical schools share their experiences and coach students with thesis planning and  summer job plans in the pop up café. First in – First served!

2pm-4pm Info Flashes in English  Hall D

2pm-2.30pm Employer’s perspective on impressive CV, LinkedIn profile and motivation letter
Anna Routti, Recruitment Manager, Netlight Consulting
2.30pm-2.45pm Foundation of Aalto University Science and Technology – Role in co-financing the master’s theses
Ella Bingham, Docent, Executive Director of the Foundation of Aalto University Science and Technology
2.45pm -3:15pm How to succeed at the job interview, Employer’s perspective, Jenni Kurkikangas, HR Partner, Product Development Services. Tieto Corporation

3:15pm-3:45pm Social media in job hunting, Employer´s perspective
Sonja Heikkilä. Marketing Manager, / Skyhood Oy

2pm-4pm Info Flashes in Finnish Hall E

14:00 -14:30 Työnhaun asiakirjat työnantajan näkökulmasta: CV, LinkedIn-profiili ja työhakemus
Matti Simula, HRD Specialist, Metsä Group
14:30 -15:00 Työhaastattelu – yritysedustajan näkökulma, Netta Riihelä, Henkilöstöpäällikkö, VTT
15:00-15:15 Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan tukisäätiö diplomitöiden tukijana, Ella Bingham, TkT,  Dosentti, tutkimuskoordinaattori

Alumni and Corporate Relations