Metal Club Mökä’s 15th anniversary festival

Smökki, Otaniemi

Jämeräntaival 4

16.8.2013 16:00—20:00

Mökä celebrates its 15-year birthday with a free two-day festival
16.-17.8. in Otaniemi. The gigs are held in Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4) and
besides that the festival area consist of the surroundings of Smökki and
Rantasauna, which is closed only during the gigs. We start on Friday
afternoon at 16 at Rantasauna. On Friday there are four bands and gigs
begin at seven after the other heavy metal clubs arrive to Otaniemi. On
Saturday there are six bands in Smökki, and in addition some other program.

The festival will also be a common event for all similar heavy metal
clubs, just like the Academic heavy cruise. We welcome everyone from
Mökä, Hyrmy, Tyrmy, Tyrmäys, TTYkitys, Pikametallimiehet, Jyrmy and
Susiraja Metal Club. The other clubs are also represented by two bands:
Brethe the End of Jyrmy plays pn Friday night and Souldrill of Tyrmy
opens tha Saturday.

The accommodations take place at Smökki against both nights at 12, after
which the party continues at Rantasauna. Everyone can sleep at Smökki,
which will be kept silent from midnight to 11am. At that time, you can
enter Smökki only with a bracelet, which you can buy at Smökki on both
eveninigs. The cost is 3e/night or 5e/2 nights. You’ll have to bring
your own sleeping pads and bags.

We will also sell cheap food and beer. In addition everyone can of
course get their own food from nearby Alepa and use the grills next to
Smökki and Rantasauna. On Sunday, Smökki will be closed by noon.

We sell cheap food at Rantasauna. We wiil make some kebab on evenings
and there will also be some kind of breakfast for those, who stay over
at Smökki. Also, we will sell cheap driks at both Smökki and rantsu.

In addition, everyone can make their own food using the grills located
in front of Smökki and Rantsu. There is a Alepa nearby.

You should take plenty of cash for the merchandise of Mökä and the
bands. Mökä sells maerchadise at Smökki during gigs on both nights and
in addition on Saturday there is an expo at Smökki 18:30 Saturday’s expo
so that all bands of Mökä and other heavy metal clubs have the
opportunity to bring their own merchandise for sale.

Mökä publishes the long-awaited history of the club atthe festival. In
addition, we have a fresh batch of new shirts. There is also about
twenty pieces left of new bathrobes. A special feature is a few pieces
of unused old Mökäshirts, now available at cheap price. Also, new and
old patches are available. If you buy at least two items you can also
have a 10 years edition Mökä-CD. We have also created some cheaper
packages for bigger purchase.

– 15 vuotta vuohen selässä – history of Mökä 1998-2013 12e
– new patch 3e
– old patch 1e
– new t-shirt 15e
– Old t-shirt 7e
– Bathrobe 50e
– Festival Package: History + new shirt for 25e
– Festival Mega Package: History + shirt + new bathrobe + new patch +
old patch + old shirt for 75 euros
– 10yrs CDs free of charge when you purchase at least two items

The festival begins on Friday at 16:00 at Rantasauna. Smökki is opened
at 19:45 with an opening speech and release of the long-awaited history
book of the first 15 years of Mökä.

On Saturday you should arrive early to see Souldrill, because during
that gig there is a lottery, where you can win free ticket to the
academic heavy metal cruise. After NITEs gig, an expo in Smökki provides
all bands of Mökä and other heavy metal clubs the opportunity to bring
their own merchandise for sale. Thus, even those bands we couldn’t take
to perform at the festival, will have the opportunity to promote their
own band. At 20:00 Juha Jyrkäs plays at Rantasauna.

FRI 16.8.
16:00 doors open at Rantasauna
19:45 Opening speech at Smökki
20:00 Rypälepaska
20:50 Kurahuora
21:30 Noumena
23:00 Breathe the End
24:00 Silence in Smökki, Rantasauna open again

SAT 17.8.
Wake up in Smökki no earlier than 10:00
15:00 Souldrill, lottery after the gig
15:50 Asgardium
16:40 Refusal
17:45 NITE
18:30 expo in Smökki
20:00 Juha Jyrkäs at rantasauna
21:00 Vinum Sabbatum
22:30 Combat Monster
24:00 Silence in Smökki, Rantasauna open again

SUN 18.8.
12:00 Smökki and Rantasauna closed


The festival is opened by Rypälepaska, a legendary Mökäband that has
never performed at actual club events, but has entertained members of
Mökä in several private events. Band features three earlier member of
the board: Antti Huovilainen, Jukka Suominen and Tomi Korpela, who plays
also in Vinum Sabbatum.

One of the highlights of the festival is when Kurahuora returns from the
grave. Unfortunately they will have to play quite short set due to last
minute changes in lineup, but it will definetly be worth to check out.

Melodeath band Noumena needs no introduction. The band appeared in Moka
event in 2006 and since then the members of the band have also
influenced in Mökä. Hannu Savolainen also wrote a chapter in the history
of Mökä so we are pleased to have him on stage the same evening we
release the book.

The last performer of Friday is Breathe the End, representing the newest
academic heavy metal club Jyrmy from Jyväskylä. The band plays
death-/thrash metal, which draws on influences from hardcore and post

Saturday’s opening act is another representive of other academic heavy
metal clubs: Souldrill of Tyrmy. This group of young men plays energetic
death metal.

Asgardium is fresh mökäband featuring Lassi Seppälä, former chairman of
Pelmu. Asgardium is melodic, symphonic, epic folk-death-metal band from
southern Finland. The band has received influences from ancient
battlefields, where the heavens burst and swords strike lightnings of
fire. Go and listen to ”The Last Fortress of the Dragon King”

Saturday’s heaviest moment might be during the gig of death/grind band
Refusal, which is known as a very active live band.

NITE is rather new hard rock band featuring long time Mökämember Kimmo
Kokkila. Peku , Kimmo and Julle began playing together in Otaniemi in
2006. The band has recorded new songs for the past year and at the gig
you can hear many new songs live for the first time in the world.

During the break in Smökki Juha Jyrkäs, who plays electric kannel,
entertains crowd at Ranrasauna. Jyrkäs is known from Poroptre and Tevana 3.

Vinum Sabbatum combines classic rock, progressive rock and psychedelia
and has been influenced by such bands as Pentagram, Black Sabbath and
Deep Purple. The last time the band played in Smökki only three years
ago. Tomi Korpela, legendary member of Mökä also plays on Friday in

Saturday’s final act is mysterious Combat Monster. The band wanted to
play in Mökäs event already in the spring of 2010, but that years
schedule was unfortunately full. We are very pleased to finally get the
band to play at Smökki.

Bring your your own drinks, enough cash and a towel. If you sleep at
Smökki, bring your own sleeping pad and sleeping bag

Please, help us to keep the festival area clean. Take trash and cans to
the bags meant for them. If there is any trouble or things that could be
done better, please inform the organizers.

See you on Friday!

Metal Club Mökä


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