Product Design Gala 2014

Aalto Design Factory & Urban Mill


Otaniemi, Espoo
16.5.2014 09:00—17:00

Welcome to the Product Design Gala 2014 on Friday May 16th!


Are business, design, engineering or innovations close to your heart? Would you be interested to see what an interdisciplinary team can accomplish in a year together with industry partners and university mentors?


We welcome you to fall in love with the results of our interdisciplinary Product Development Project -teams in the Product Design Gala on May 16th at Aalto Design Factory!


The student teams from Aalto University have been working hard for the whole year to complete their design challenges given by industrial companies and other collaborating parties. In the public exhibition you’ll have the possibility to get familiar with the teams as well as with their amazing prototypes.


This year the teams were sponsored by the following companies: ABB Marine, FIMA, Genano, KONE, Nokia, Norpe, Philips, RAY, SAKO, Vaisala and Wärtsilä. In addition student team, Bed Bug Kill, is working on their own idea and another team is collaborating with the New Children’s Hospital-project.



09.00 Doors open – the exhibition starts!

13.00 Selected presentations @Stage

17.00 The exhibition ends



Aalto Design Factory & Urban Mill Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Otaniemi, Espoo



More details concerning the Gala and this year’s projects:


See you in Gala!

Professor Kalevi “Eetu” Ekman & the whole PdP-crew


All you need is Love, Design, Business and Engineering!


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