Startup Crawl

10.4.2015 16:00—21:00


Have you ever wondered what really happens at a startup office? Or do you want to meet people behind our local startups? Or do you just want to hang with cool people and drink few beers along with it?

If you say yes, come and join us for Startup Crawl! It’s a bar crawl, but with startup offices instead of bars. Startup Crawl will help to shed some light into what it’s like to work at a startup and give a chance to meet people behind our local startups.

This year we have two different tours, one in Otaniemi and one in downtown Helsinki to choose form. After the tours we gather for an afterparty at Ravintola Helmi (Eerikinkatu 14, 00100 Helsinki) in downtown Helsinki. All participants and host companies are invited!

Register Here! 

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