AYY Kehyviikko/Development cooperation week – organizing team info evening

KY-house (Marskin kabinetti)

Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B

11.9.2014 18:00—20:00

Join the organizing team of AYY’s development cooperation team if you’re into global questions!

AYY organizes a development cooperation week 13-18.10.2014. The development co-operation week is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This year’s central theme is development and education. Joining the organizing team is a great chance to network with other students and professionals in the development co-operation field. Come and organize interesting, multi-cultural and thought provoking events with us!  

As a volunteer you can:

  • Use the experience in your c.v. or professional career profile as participating and organizing a project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • improve your project management and communications skills.
  • get a free lunch during the development co-operation week every day you’re organizing something.
  • get a credit point for your activity (depends on your study program). Ask for a possibility to get a credit point from your study coordinator!

The next meeting of the development co-operation week is organized on Thursday 11.9.2014 from 18 to 20 in KY-house (Marskin kabinetti) in Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B. See you there! You can also contact the coordinators Briana Romero (brianaromero8@gmail.com) or Lap Duong (duonglap1989@live.com) for more information.

Coordinators Lap Duong, Briana Romero

duonglap1989@live.com, briana.romero8@gmail.com 0443668969


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