Tutor trainings


Otakaari 1

6.5.2019 09:00—18:00

The sign up for the tutor courses are now open in Oodi! If you have been chosen to be a tutor, you can sign up for the tutor course and to the tutor trainings on the course platform. The tutor trainings are for all Aalto tutors and are arranged on the 17th and 18th of April and 6th and 7th of May. You can find the courses on Oodi with the following course code:

JOIN-A0001 – Pienryhmän ohjaus or

JOIN-A0002 Conducting Small Group Activities for International Students

The first course is for tutors who tutor Finnish students (BA or MA level). JOIN-A00o2 is for tutors who will tutor foreign new students (can be BA or MA level degree students or exchange students). Tutors need to sign up only for one of the courses, unless they are doing both courses. Tutors need to register on the course in order to sign up for the trainings.

On the course MyCourses-platform, you can sign up for the compulsory tutor trainings for all Aalto students. Before the sign up for the training, you choose your own school on the front page. By choosing the school the tutor will get other school-specific information later through the course page.