Aalto Marketing Society

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Aalto Marketing Society (or AMS in short) is the association of marketing students at Aalto University School of Business in Finland. We represent all students who study marketing as their major both on bachelor and master’s levels as well as people who are just genuinely interested in all things related to marketing. As the name suggests, we are an ecosystem of marketing enthusiasts: AMS brings together students, alumni, companies and faculty members.

Annually we arrange dozens of events ranging from company case competitions, career evenings and training workshops to afterwork sessions, parties and study trips. As the voice of the marketing students, we participate actively in developing and improving the marketing studies at Aalto University School of Business.

Our mission is to increase the appreciation of marketing both in the Finnish society and in the business in general.

All in all, we are an active, friendly and open community of both future marketing professionals and people who are interested in marketing.

Join us now!


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