Aalto University Doctoral Student Association – Aallonhuiput

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Aalto University postgraduate student association – Aallonhuiput brings together all doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies in Aalto University. The association organizes events on issues important to doctoral students and brings them together in free networking events. Aallonhuiput arranges, for example, debates, events in conjunction with companies, theme nights, and wine tasting. It has members from all the different schools of Aalto University.

Aallonhuiput was set up in autumn 2009 to continue the work of its successors, the Helsinki School of Economics postgraduate student association Thesis, and the Helsinki University of Technology postgraduate student association JOY. Initial associations had worked successfully since 2003, and 2004. The association’s objective is to stimulate discussion for improving postgraduate studies and to highlight issues that postgraduate students consider important.

Aallonhuiput informs on its activities in its website, mailing list, and Facebook and LinkedIn groups. If you are interested in our association and want to become a member and to join the mailing list please fill the form in our website. The membership is free.


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