Aalto ISM ry

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Aalto ISM is the subject club for the students at the Department of Information and Service Economy, which consists of the Bachelor’s and Master’s program in Information and Service Management (ISM). For the past decade we have been known by our old name Piste. However, recently we have updated our brand name and image to Aalto ISM.

Aalto ISM organizes a variety of exciting events including Career Evening and excursions to the top technology and consulting companies, study trips to discover the most inspiring places in the Fall of the Golden State of California, not to mention the notorious Novemberfest which is the grand final of the Aalto ISM year.

Besides presenting students with great career opportunities, Aalto ISM aims to be an effective link between students and the Faculty to make sure your opinions will always be heard.

For more information, join our mailing list: http://aaltoism.com/join-now/.