Film Club Montaasi

Montaasi is a film club whose aim is to promote knowledge of the art and craft of film. The club offers fellow cinephiles a chance to meet each other and make their own films. Since 1957, hundreds of films have been made at Montaasi.

Montaasi organizes filmmaking courses, film industry excursions, a film night every Sunday, and other events. The club also offers its members filmmaking guidance, contacts, and equipment.

Members of the club can participate in all of the club’s events (e.g. film nights, excursions, courses, and productions), use the equipment at the club room free of charge, and rent out filmmaking equipment at low prices. Other member benefits include discount film tickets and opportunities to meet people working in the film industry.

Montaasi’s club room is located at Otakaari 20 A. The club’s web site is at You can contact the club’s board at montaasi(at), and can get info about the club’s events by joining the mailing list.


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