Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL

Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL

The men envy us and the women adore us. And why not the other way round too. Brotherly misadventures, dubious humor, never-ending sauna evenings, occasional bending the elbow, and charming audiences ‒ since 1949 KYL has changed young men’s notion of what male choir singing is about.

KYL gives your vocal chords the opportunity to produce music ranging from Sibelius to Katy Perry while performing for audiences in top concert halls, nightclubs or wherever duty takes us. Traveling is an integral part of what we do and we have a tour abroad almost every year. In 2014 we were in Japan singing in Japanese and next we are headed off to Denmark and Spain. You can get to decide where we are going to next.

KYL is one of Finland’s top male choirs, which has won international competitions and published critically acclaimed albums. We have high goals. With new applicants, we are more interested a good attitude than a broad musical background. Do notice, however, that KYL operates and sings in Finnish, so willingness to learn the language is a must! We can offer you singing instruction, an appreciation of classical and not-so-classical music, trips to the stages of the world, but most importantly, a life-long brotherhood.

KYL ‒ join us if you have the balls.

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