Information Networks Guild – Athene ry

Särställda föreningar

Athene is the students’ guild of the Degree Programme of Information Networks. It is one of the youngest guilds at Aalto University. Despite the short history, Athene is very active in arranging lots of fun stuff for its members. Activities include e.g. sports events, parties and industry related events. Currently there are a little over 200 members.

Information Networks combines information society, business and art in a new way. The program educates new kinds of interdisciplinary Masters of Science in Engineering, who are able to lead professionals of different fields and operate as a link between the end users and the developers of high technology.

For more information about our activities and what it feels like to be an Athenian, check out our website. If you feel that you are one of us, you are very welcome to join!

Our guild room is called OLOhuone or more commonly Olkkari (meaning living room). It is the glass-cornered room located on the front left side, when you enter the CSE building. In Olkkari, you can find for instance fatboys and sofas, tables and chairs, computers, a small kitchen, a scanner and an Xbox – in addition to a bunch of nice Athenians!


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