

Jury is a subject club for business law students, established in 2003. Club aims to bring together business law students, to protect its members interests and study opportunities and to improve relations to future employers.

Events vary from excursions to casual nightouts and all AYY members are welcome to join! The biggest, most legendary events are held on fall semester; come check out JuryJurrit, a casual start of the semester party in September and combined Pre Christmas Party and Board Election which acts as an Annual Meeting and where the board is selected for next calendar year. And don’t forget our annual excursion abroad! It is a great chance to visit interesting new organisations and enjoy the culture of the city.

With our main partner EY and other partners we will offer you a great selection of events such as excursions, career info evenings, afterworks, special events for walruses and much more!

For more information about us and our events, check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Juryainejarjesto/. In case of any questions, you can contact us also via e-mail: jury@kyweb.fi.

Are you interested? Join Jury already today!


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