
KY-Slice is a swingy golf club which has brought golf enthusiastic students together since 1984. KY-Slice organises numerous golf-related events annually.

KY-Slice welcomes all students to get on board – whether you’re a sunday-enjoyer or a true pro. We’re more than happy to participate everyone interested into our legendary events, in which there’s guaranteed to be great golf and chilled atmosphere.

KY-Slice is runned by its yearly selected board that consists currently of 10 board members. If you’re also interested of being part of the board and organising our great events participate in December to our ”info-evening” in which you have an opportunity to stand as a board member.

If you wish to get more information about KY-Slice and our events send us email to You can also follow us in Facebook and in Instagram @kyslice1984 to stay tuned.

”Why to do business@office?” – KY-Slice since 1984.


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