Metal Club Mökä is a cultural association focused on metal music, operating within Aalto University student union. Mökä was founded in 1998. The purpose of the association is to bring together the metal music lovers of Aalto University as well as organize related events and activities.
The core activities of the association are the monthly sauna evenings, which are usually held during the academic year on the last weekend of every month. In addition, Mökä arranges few gigs during year, usually one during spring and one during autumn. Activities also include hanging at our clubroom, having movie nights, pre-partys of metal music gigs or just listening to music.
Metal Club Mökäs club room is located in Otaniemi Jämeräntaival 7A in (the first door on the right after main door). Mökä members are often going to gigs in the capital area and bigger gigs have often pre-parties at the club room.
Mökä-representation can also be found on virtually all metal music festivals (and other finnish festivals having major metal acts). Special mention goes to Nummirock: in the camping area there is always a Mökä camp. Mökä has also cooperation with other academic metal clubs. There is for example an academic metal cruise every autumn, stay tuned!
Mökäs membership is free and you can join at the website. If you still doubt you can also come to an event before joining Metal Club Mökä.