
Otakut is an Espoo based anime club affiliated with the Student Union of Aalto-university, established in May 1996 to support hobbies related to Japanese animated movies, series and comics. Our name derives from a Japanese word meaning a fanatic or a very devoted fan. If you like anime or ”cartoons”, this club is for you.

Our activities include video evenings every Friday during the lecture periods, all kinds of game evenings, allnighters and excursions, as well as the frequent sauna and barbeque traditions of our more active members. Activities are centered in Otaniemi, where we have all kinds of events according to our members interests.

Otakut recruits new members actively from Otaniemi, but everyone interested in our activities is welcomed to join and take part in video evenings and other events.

Our events are only for members, so if you are interested, fill the membership form at here. Membership is free, and won’t bind you to anything, you will receive 1-2 emails per week to the email address you give us about our future events.