Otaniemi Billiards Association

Otaniemi Billiards Association (Biklu) is founded in 2005. It offers its members the possibility to play billiards inexpensively in Otaniemi. Biklu owns one snooker- and one pool-table, which both were balanced in the end of 2006. The cloths in the both tables were changed in the beginning of 2010.

Snooker-table is full-sized and in very good shape, because it is brushed often and covered when not in use. Little older and perhaps more actively used pool-table has been repaired in March 2008. Then new wallrubbers were installed and the openings of the pockets were thinned to make them competition-sized. At the moment the pool-table descends outwards a little.

To be able to play the members pay the club room usage fee (100 Euros/year) and the key deposit (25 Euros). After this there will be no other expenses meaning that the playing itself is free. There are sticks and balls in the club room to be used freely. It is allowed to bring one non-member into the club room to play with you.

There is also one old-fashioned pinball machine and dartboard in the club room.

If you want to become a member, please send an e-mail to the executive board (biklu-h@list.ayy.fi).


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