Polyteknikkojen Raittiusseura

Polyeteknikkojen Raittiusseura, freely translated as the sobriety society of students studying technology, is a division of the guild of Industrial Engineering and Managamanet, Prodeko, here at the Aalto University. PoRa, short for Polyteknikkojen Raittiusseura, has both an ideological as well as an athletic side to its operations. When originally founded in 1969, the mission was to drink all the alcohol from the world and contribute to the fight against alcohol in our way. And 46 years later, we still take continue our mission against “king alcohol”.

Alongside the ideological side of PoRa there is also the athletic side as mentioned earlier. We play once a week two different sports activities on Sundays at Otahalli, here in Otaniemi from 20:00 – 22:00. From 20:00 – 21:00 we have played for example floorball, futsal and volleyball, and we aim to switch the sport every week. The shift from 21:00 – 22:00 has traditionally been floorball, and it’s very popular.

PoRa also takes part in different student leagues such as floorball, football, futsal and basketball. These matches are played randomly during the weekdays both during daytime and the evening. Everyone interested is welcome to take part, we inform about the matches by email to our members.


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