

Aalto-Basket is the basketball team of Aalto University from Espoo.
Our club has long traditions of student sports, being founded way back in 1981.

During recent years, the club has grown, and nowadays consists of three teams:

  • Men’s 1st team: Plays in 1st division B (3rd highest level in Finland), practices twice a week
  • Men’s 2nd team: Plays in 5th division, practices twice a week
  • Men’s 3rd team: Plays in 5th division, practices once a week
  • Women’s team: Playes in 3rd division, practices twice a week

Each team is looking for new players for the upcoming season (or just to join our practices) – So, feel free to contact us!

More details (e.g. contact info, practice times) can be found from our web pages – aaltobasket.fi

Matti Hautala


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