Rakentamistalouden kerho ROPO ry


ROPO is a club with long traditions, that brings together students interested in construction economics. The objective of ROPO, is to be a meeting place for students and newly graduated masters in engineering. We organize events that are both fun, and academically and professionally rewarding.

ROPO is a registered society that operates within Aalto university student union (AYY). Our club was founded in 1981, and since then we have had long, colorful and eventful journey to what we are today.

ROPO provokes discussion on any and all subjects that concern the construction industry. We organize seminars, sauna-events and frequently visit companies that operate in construction. We have very active and close relations with our alumni.

You are welcome to send any questions about events, the club in general, or becoming a member to ropo@list.ayy.fi


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