
Särställda föreningar

Puunjalostajakilta (PJK, pronounced somewhat like [Po: yie: kho:]) was founded in 1945 and has around 140 members. The guild organises events, activities and excursions for students who are interested in wood and bioproduct technology. The main goal is to provide balance to the hard schoolwork, unify students around Finland and introduce the working life opportunities.

Among many events arranged by PJK, the highlight of the year is the annual ball “Kuumahionta”, which is held in March. PJK has a long history and good relationships with the forest products industry and this is also reflected in our logo, as it represents an old watermark that was used in the wood products. We arrange excursions to various companies related to our studies and we represent our guild during visits.

Our guild room is located in the PUU1 building (Vuorimiehentie 1). We welcome all our members and everyone else interested in our guild to have a cup of coffee with a joyful and cheerful company!


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