The Guild of Industrial Engineering and Management – Prodeko

Särställda föreningar

The Guild of Industrial Engineering Prodeko is one of the smallest, but also the most active guilds of Otaniemi. Prodeko acts as a link between the students of Industrial Engineering and Department of Industrial Engineering, the Aalto University Student Union and the corporate world. Prodeko also organizes leisure activities, these include the so-called professional activities, as well as sauna events and parties.

Club of Industrial Engineering Prodeko established in 1966 for students of Industrial Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Since then, the Industrial Engineering has become a separate area of studies, club became a guild and its activities have become of top quality. Guild offers its members, majoring in industrial engineering, as well as others interested in industrial engineering, events, celebrations, sauna evenings, trips, company visits, the guild room, coffee, student counseling, advocacy and good company.

Here is the contact information for the board of 2019. Addresses are in the form of

  • President Niko Kinnunen
    • puheenjohtaja@
  • Vice President Teemu Mikola
    • varapuheenjohtaja@
    • Current matters
  • Minister of Corporate Relations Rami Luhtala
    • yrityssuhteet@
    • Corporate relations
  • Captain of Freshmen Education Oona  Kallela
    • fuksikapteeni@
    • Freshmen education
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Oskari Ylitervo
    • ulkoministeri@
    • Foreign affairs, ESTIEM
  • Captain of International and Master students Riku Suonsivu
    • maisterikvkapteeni@
    • Exchange students, master students
  • Minister of Studies Elina Karjalainen
    • opintovastaava@
    • Studies and lobbying
  • Host Rasmus Niemi
    • isanta@
    • Sitsit-parties and amusement
  • Minister of Internal and Cultural Affairs Timofei Telov
    • sisakumi@ 
    • Culture and celebrations
  • Minister of Excursions Petteri Arponen
    • excumestari@
    • Excursions and trips
  • Minister of Media and Information Technology Tua Videman
    • mediakeisari@ 
    • Communications, media, e-services
  • Treasurer Erik Kymäläinen
    • rahastonhoitaja@
    • Money business