Why are the tuition fees in the education export strategy?

Espoo, 18 February 2010

AYY: Why are the tuition fees in the education export strategy?

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) demands a clarification of how the tuition fees of higher education have ended up in the draft of the education export strategy by the Ministry of Education. Education export does not require the compromising of free higher education, and not a single party has publically admitted to promote tuition fees.

The strategy aims at accelerating the extension of tuition fees in education even though the experiment of tuition fees for students from outside the EU/ETA countries has not even began. “Premature conclusions have been drawn from the results of the experiment when compiling the strategy. The evaluation of the experiment must be based on results, not on groundless presuppositions”, comments Chairperson of the Board Jussi Valtonen.

The presentation states that the most important market for the Finnish education export is outside the EU/ETA countries. This market is already achievable within the current legislation. The strategy also highlights the availability and scope of higher education as the strengths of the Finnish higher education. The general introduction of tuition fees would significantly whittle these specific strengths away.

According to AYY’s vision, the Finnish society is based on the equality of opportunities which is best implemented through free education. Everyone’s equal right for education is the cornerstone of our society, which should not be sacrificed in the name of education export.

The Aalto University Student Union demands transparency to the preparations and requires open discussion about tuition fees in the future so that it is possible to participate in the discussion.

Jussi Valtonen
Chairperson of the Board

Teemu Halme
Secretary General

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