Contact Information

All email addresses take the form If you dont know exactly who to send your question to, you can use our general email address You can find the opening hours of our services office in Otaniemi here.

If you have questions regarding AYY’s rental facilities or other services, such as membership, send us a message using this form.

Do you need advice about student life, health or well-being but do not know where to ask? See our page on where to get help.

If you have witnessed harassment or experienced harassment yourself, you can contact our trained harassment contact person Lauri Jurvanen at The service is confidential and your email will only be sent to the harassment contact person. Read more.

If you have questions concerning AYY’s apartments or housing, please contact our Housing Services.

For association-related matters, please contact

Mailing address

Aalto University Student Union
P.O. Box 69, 02151 Espoo, Finland
Billing information

Address of our Central office
Otakaari 11
02150 Espoo, Finland
See location on map

Central Office

AYY Central Office
Otakaari 11
02150 Espoo
See location on map

The Student Union’s central office is located in it’s own building at Otakaari 11, Espoo. In addition to the Central Office AYY’s Services Office is also located in the same building. The official notice board of the Union is also situated there.

Here you’ll find contact information of our Central Office’s personnel.

Management and Administration

All email addresses take the form



Tapio HautamÀki
Chair of the Board
040 757 9629
Elina Nieminen
Executive Director
+358 50 520 9415
Monika KivimÀki
Financial Director
+358 400 524 014
Annika MĂ€llinen
Administrative and HR Manager
+358 50 520 9434
Riitu Nuutinen
Service Manager
+358 50 520 9450
Heikki Isotalo
Advocacy and Communications Manager
+358 40 575 9092
Tarja Toivanen
+358 40 7760716
Arja Haverinen
+358 50 520 9402
Tiina Metso
Archivist, Museum Curator
+358 50 520 9441

AYY’s Archives and Museum can be easily reached by email addresses (archive) and (museum).


All email addresses take the form


Heikki Isotalo
Advocacy and Communications Manager
+358 40 575 9092
Hilla MÀkelÀ
Henna Palonen
Communications Specialist
+358 50 520 9440
Essi Puustinen
Specialist, Organizational Affairs and Communications
+358 50 520 9442


You can contact Information Officer and specialist by email address

Submit material for Weekly newsletter or Association newsletter to

You can reach the Student Union’s entire Communications sector by email at

Student Advocacy

All email addresses take the form

Heikki Isotalo
Advocacy and Communications Manager
+358 40 575 9092
Leila Kettunen
MOB, Elections, Brand and Education Policy
+358 44 3040469
Luki Ketola
MOB, Education Policy
+358 407 422 522
Taneli Myllykangas
MOB, Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
+358 440 811 089
Antti PentikÀinen
MOB, Social Policy, Municipal Influencing and Sports
+358 50 573 2405
Tero Uuttana
Student Advocacy Specialist for ARTstudents and Executive Manager for TOKYO
+358 50 520 9439
Lauri Jurvanen
Social Affairs
Harassment contact person
+358 50 520 9418
Annika MĂ€llinen
Harassment contact person

Minna MĂ€kitalo
Specialist, Academic Affairs and student’s legal protection
+358 50 520 9438
Rosa VÀisÀnen
International Affairs and Sustainability
+358 50 527 2401

AYY’s Academic Affairs can be reached by email address

AYY’s Social Affairs can be reached by email address

AYY’s International Affairs can be reached by email address

AYY’s Sports sector can be reached by email address


All email addresses take the form


Olli Kesseli
Community, Volunteers and Alumni
+35850 303 8014
Niina Palm
050 520 9435
Anu Juvonen
050 520 9429
Titta Saari
Chair of AYY10 Annual Ball Section
AYY’s Culture Sector can be reached by email address Teekkari section can be reached by email addressa
Aava can be reached by email address Part of AYY’s culture community are also our Culture Organizers Aava and Teekkari Section.


All email addresses take the form

AYY’s organizational affairs can be easily reached by email address

Anna Halsas
MOB, Associations, New Students and Council
+358 400 417 885
Essi Puustinen
Specialist, Organizational Affairs and Communications

+358 50 520 9442

IT Management

All email addresses take the form

Petteri Nummela
IT Specialist
+358 50 520 9431
Joonas Palosuo
Riku Kettunen
AYY’s IT Management can be easily reached by email address

Corporate Relations

All email addresses take the form

Taneli Myllykangas
MOB, Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
+358 440 811 089
Otto Bergius
Coordinator, Corporate Relations
+358 50 520 9422
Ville Kauhanen
Sales coordinator
+358 50 520 9425
Rasmus Ruohola
Sales coordinator
+358 44 285 3495
Leo Norilo
Volunteer, Chair of Corporate relations committee (YTMK)
+358 50 305 3695


Real Estate Management

All email addresses take the form


Ellen HeikkilÀ
Real Estate, Campus and Sustainable Development
+358 40 1988 985
Esa Markkanen
Real Estate Manager
050 342 8393
Heidi Dufva
Real Estate Specialist
040 480 2398
Hannes Helminen
Master Builder
050 589 7519
Janne Kankaisto
Maintenance Worker
050 520 9437
Saila_MertsalmiSaila Mertsalmi
Real Estate Secretary
050 520 9414



Student Magazine Aino

Email addresses take the form

Emilia MĂ€enmaa
050 494 6900
Kiira Koskela
+358 40 554 0306
Tino Nyman
050 535 2364
You can reach the editors by email address

Voluteer trustees

Kirsi Veijola

The trustees see to it that people obey the rules for volunteering and that new operators are acquainted with them. They also take care that volunteers are treated in a just and equal manner, and when necessary they give advice and support to volunteers in solving possible problematic situations. The best way to reach trustees is by email (firstname.lastname(at) or by coming over to the office for a chat.

Member and Housing Services

At the AYY services office you can, among other things, get a new sticker for your student card or annual calendar, get keys for AYY’s facilities or pick up your ordered student ID card, use internet and ask about anything relating to student life. AYY’s housing services in Otaniemi help you with questions concerning housing search, keys, moving, renting and apartments.


At our office in Otaniemi you can, for example, get a yearly tag to your student card and ask about renting the Student Union’s van and rental facilities. Housing services help you with questions concerning housing search, moving and apartments.

Street address: Otakaari 11, 02150 Espoo – see location on map
Postal address: AYY (Housing), PL69, 02150 Espoo

Opening hours: Weekdays 12:00–16:00 (10:00–16:00 on the first weekday of every month)

Send us an e-mail:
Housing – use this contact form
Membership & fees, rental facilities etc.use this contact form

Telephone service:
Housing +358 50 520 9410, Mon-Fri 14:00–16:00
Membership and rental facilities +358 50 520 9400, Mon-Fri 12:00–16:00
We will answer calls whenever possible along with other customer service responsibilities.

Exceptional opening hours

  • Our Services Office is closed: 8.-26.7.2019
  • Our Services Office is closed: Wed 21.8.2019
  • Housing Services has no phone service the following days: 1st July, 1st August & 2nd September


Milla Elo
Service Advisor

Maria Liimatta-Tuominen

Housing Advisor

Saila RappumÀki
Housing Advisor

Peppi Reinikka
Housing Advisor

Kirsi Veijola
Housing Specialist

Branch in Mikkeli

Aalto University operates in one additional branch outside of the Helsinki metropolitan area:

Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus
BScBA Program
Lönnrotinkatu 5
50100 Mikkeli
See location on map

Student services are provided by study office and Probba, the Student Organization of Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus.

Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus is part of the Mikkeli University Consortium.


The administrative authority and executive power of the student union is wielded by the Board, which is elected by the Representative Council for a term that lasts one calendar year. It directs the day-to-day activity of the student union and is responsible for executing the AYY action plan. The Board is the most visible part of the student union and it oversees AYY administration and exercises executive power within the guidelines set by the AYY constitution and the Representative Council. The Board is responsible to the Council for all its actions. Each Board Member has one or more sectors they are responsible for.

The Board aims to convene weekly during academic terms. Resolutions of the meetings can be viewed on the official notice board of AYY as well as on this website.


Board members 2019

You can reach the whole board via email address

All email addresses take the form


Tapio HautamÀki
Chair of the board
040 757 96

Iida Palosuo
Vice Chair, Services
+358 45 6503857
Ellen HeikkilÀ
Real Estate, Campus and Sustainable Development
+358 40 1988 985
Marianne Honkasaari
Student Centre and Artistic Activities
+358 40 964 5608
Lumi Ketola
Education Policy
+358 407 422 522
Leila Kettunen
Elections, Brand and Education Policy
+358 44 304 0469
Antti PentikÀinen
Social Policy, Municipal Influencing and Sports
+358 50 573 2405
Taneli Myllykangas
Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
+358 440 811 089
Anna Halsas
Associations, New Students and Council
+358 400 417 885
Olli Kesseli
Community, Volunteers and Alumni
+358 50 303 8014



The Representative Council exercises the highest authority in the student union. The Council is elected for a two-year term and all AYY members are eligible to vote and stand as candidate in the elections held every other year. The Council consists of 45 representatives who must all be members of AYY.

Among other things, the Council is responsible for AYY’s budget, financial statement, loans, construction decisions, and rules. It also elects the Student Union Board, the President of the Board and the highest officials. Meetings of the Representative Council are open to all AYY members, and you can also follow them live at For more information about the Representative Council, please visit AYY’s Student Council Wiki “Edariwiki“.

Representative Council Chair

You can contact the chair of the Representative Council by email or

Werneri Huhtinen
Chair of the Representative Council
Noora Tanska
Vice Chair
Lauri SeppÀlÀinen
2nd Vice Chair

Chairs of Representative Council Groups

You can contact the chairs of Representative Council Groups by email

Group Chair Vice Chair
CHEM Peppi Vilén Santeri Santikko
Luja Jani Pusula Kalle KekÀlÀinen
LUOVA Anton NĂ€rekorpi Liisa Mustonen
SCIsma MĂ€rt Vesinurm Aaro HĂ€meri
Voltti Titta Saari Oskar Niemenoja
Kylterirengas-edustajistoryhmÀ Topi Soivio Joni Kariluoto
Pro Arte Elina Kuutti Elisa Rauma
VihreÀmpi Aalto Henri Miettinen Peppi SeppÀlÀ
Oikea Aalto Jyri Tiimonen Nico Siltanen
Polytekarna Petter SelÀnniemi Albert Rehnberg

For more information about the Representative Council, please visit AYY’s Student Council Wiki “Edariwiki“.

Community Committee of Aalto


Aava, Aalto University Student Union’s Community section, creates and fosters Aalto culture. Aava’s goal is to bring all Aalto students together and provide possibilities to do things together. Aava offers great experiences to all Aalto members, regardless of their field.

Aava develops the Aalto community by creating and implementing a variety of events, ranging from volleyball tournaments to zombie larp events and from huge parties to laid-back movie marathons. Each Aava member has their own area of responsibility. In addition, the section actively carries out common projects and forms a close-knit group. In Aava, ideas are made into reality and there is no lack of action!

The Anniversary Committee, Sports Committee, Humans vs. Zombies Committee, Aalto Afterparty Committee and sports tutors operate under Aava.

Aava listens and is active, so if you have any suggestions or would like to know about Aava member’s area of responsiblity, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Aava 2019

All email addresses take the form

Kaisa Talvitie
040 073 8516


Communications: Tommi Alajoki
Projects: Christian Segercrantz
Community: Santeri Pigg
Afterparty: Tommi Koivisto
Afterparty: Anniina Savolainen
Outdoor Games: Kiti Kainulainen
Sports: Ida Rouhiainen
Wellbeing: Jonatan Lehtinen
Annual Ball: Suvi RantamÀki
Graduate Students: Miio Taarna

Teekkari Section

Teekkari Section, or TJ (Teekkarijaosto in Finnish) to friends, operates by Aava’s side in AYY’s culture sector. TJ upholds teekkari traditions and organizes events and activities that are brisk and rich in teekkari spirit. Despite the whole teekkari thing, TJ activity is often open to everyone. Teekkari Section comprises of a yearly elected Chair and ten or so ‘tirehtööri’ (chairs of sub-committees). In other words, TJ brings together the committees of different teekkari guilds. More on TJ.

Teekkari Section 2019

(all email adresses take the form

Erna Virtanen
+358 40 764 4118

FTMK’s Chair: Jere VĂ€nskĂ€
KVTMK’s Chair: Susanna Karlqvist
ITMK’s Chair: Otto Takkinen
IE Director: Tuukka Harvela
Songleader: Toni HeinilÀ
Director of traditions: Anni Parkkila
Teekkari Culture Director: Roope PÀÀkkönen
Teekkari Culture Director: Samuli VehkomÀki
Wappu Director: Mikael Liimatainen
Lakinlaskijaiset Director: Pauliina Tomberg
Freshman Major: Noora Salminen
International Director: Joel Kauppi
ISO Director: Tuomo Leino

Campus Section

Campus Section 2019

All email addresses take the form or contact

Chair: Paavo Hietala (045 650 4330)
Communications & brand: Laura Nikola
Castle wardens: Annika NiittylÀ
Housing: Sampo Hanhirova
Events, upkeep: Sanna Halmkrona
Events, Wappurieha announcement: Aaro HĂ€meri
Events, Flower day: Suvi Ojala
Projects & traditions: Markus Nevalainen
Projects, JMT3: Pekka Mattila
Projects, JMT5: Otso Brummer

Museum Section

Museum Intendents 2019
Contact: or +358 50 520 9421

Nuutti Sten
Rasmus Ruohola


Student Representatives

The Executive Group of the Representative Council (EduJoRy) 2019

ENG – Emilia Jurvanen
ELEC – Pinja VenĂ€lĂ€inen
ARTS – Michel Nader Sajun
SCI – Saara NiemelĂ€inen
CHEM – Aleksi Heikkinen
BIZ – Heikki Helaniemi
OPNpj – Tarmo Kivioja
TF – Carl-Victor Schauman

Contact information for all student representatives:


Sirius Vuorikoski
Samu Nurmi
+358 50 520 9416

Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities (TTER) hands out grants to the whole AYY membership (students of technology, students of art and design, students of economics) and the student associations and communities near AYY. The purpose of the fund is to promote interest in matters and activities concerning economics, technology, science, society and art.

More information on the fund can be found on its website (in Finnish)