

AYY has three different guestrooms. The guestroom upstairs can accommodate up to 20 people, the large guestroom up to 18 people and the small guestroom up to 6 people. Guests must have their own sheets. Guestrooms are located at the address Otakaari 20. The entrance is in the inner court of the building.

The detailed list of household items is available in the checklist for facilities.

Guestroom upstairs

The guestroom upstairs is located above the small side of OK20. The room has two large bunk beds that can accommodate 4 people comfortably side by side, a total of 16 people. If you do not mind being close to one another, you can fit at least 24 people in the beds.

There is a simple kitchen upstairs with a fridge, microwave, plates and cutlery. However, there is no water supply in the kitchen. There is also combined shower and toilet facilities.

Guestroom upstairs / bunk beds
Guestroom upstairs / kitchen
Guestroom upstairs / kitchen


Large and small guestrooms

The large and small guestrooms are located in the basement of the building. In the large guestroom there are 9 narrow bunkbeds. The small guestroom has 3 bunkbeds. In addition, there are pillows and blankets.

The guestrooms downstairs have a common kitchen with a draining board, fridge, microwave, coffee maker, electric kettle, plates and cutlery. You can also access the combined shower and toilet facilities from the kitchen.

Large guestroom
Small guestroom

User hours

User hours begin at 2pm on the day of the reservation. Users must leave the premises before 12noon on the day following the reservation.
There is silence between 11pm–7am on weekdays and between 12midnight–9am on weekends.


See the price list here.


Read also: Usage rules for the Student Union’s rental facilities