Study Council

AYY Study council gathers together students who are interested developing the university, discussing issues related to studies and students’ rights and sharing information for a better future for students.

The OPN consists of the association’s members responsible for studies though these meetings are open to all who are interested. You can get more information about AYY’s advocacy through the FB group

In the year 2019 Tarmo Kivioja the chair of study council. AYY board members responsible for study related matters take care of study council from AYY’s side. In the year 2019 they are Leila Kettunen and Lumi Ketola. As secretary acts AYY’s specialist of academic affairs Minna Mäkitalo. All of these people can be reached from email addresses

Old memos


Study council 1/2017 – Getting to know each other and Study Council, ideas for the year

Study council 2/2017 – News from national level and participants, service promise of Aalto

Study council 4/2017

Study Council 6/2017 – First meeting of the semester: Planning of Study Council event

Other materials

The guide for student representatives is also relevant to association actives.

Student rights are a good list to support advocacy work and to remind of the regulations and laws the University life operates on.

The study ability model is a good way to think how to make student life better!