Studios and Studio Rooms in a Shared Apartment

A studio is a private apartment comprised of a single room, with no shared spaces. The studios are equipped with a kitchen/utility kitchen/open kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen has a fridge, freezer, stove and oven. The apartment has built-in closets. AYY also has mini-duplex style apartments in LeppÀvaara and the Otaranta properties in the Teekkari village, with an alcove/small bedroom.

Studios can be applied for alone or with a co-applier. A bigger studio is good for couples. Studios are given out via queueing, so studio applications cannot receive scores for urgency (also check the infograph on scores).

Who can apply: AYY members with right of residence, single or multiple tenants, for example a couple.
Pets: Allowed
Size: about 16-45m2
Rent: Between about 180 – 670 €, median rent is about 410 € (April 2017). More information on Domo.
Locations: Arabianranta, Etu-Töölö, Herttoniemi, JÀtkÀsaari, Kallio/Alppiharju, LeppÀvaara, PitÀjÀnmÀki, Puotila, Roihuvuori, Taka-Töölö and Teekkari village in Otaniemi.

The blueprints can be found in Domo.

A studio room in a shared apartment is a cross between shared apartment rooms and single room apartments, combining communal living with the peace of a single room apartment. Each tenant has their personal rooms with their own toilet/bathroom and a kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, freezer, oven and stove. Keeping the communal spaces clean is the responsibility of the tenants.

The first AYY studio rooms in a shared apartment will be completed in the Teekkari village at JÀmerÀntaival after the renovations. The buildings 3, 5 and 7 will continue to be renovated until 2019.

The blueprints can be found in Domo.


Kaj Franckin katu / Arabianranta

Arkadiankatu / Etu-Töölö

MÀyrÀtie / Herttoniemi

Atlantinkatu / JÀtkÀsaari

Vaasankatu / Kallio (Alppiharju)

RummunlyöjÀnkatu / LeppÀvaara

KirkonkylÀntie / Malmi

Maapadontie / Patola

Turkismiehentie / PitÀjÀnmÀki

Haarniskatie / Puotila

KÀÀpiöidenpolku / Roihuvuori

Tuhkimontie / Roihuvuori

Ruusulankatu / Taka-Töölö

Teekkari village / Otaniemi

Pohjavedenkatu / Vuosaari