Sports opportunities

SELL 2010AYY supports its members’ sports activities by assisting the activities of sports associations within the Student Union, engaging in national advocacy as a member of Finnish Student Sports Federation, participating in the planning of UniSport activities and by communicating about topical sports issues.

Where can I exercise?

Aalto University students are entitled to use UniSport services, which are available on six different campuses: Helsinki City Centre, Kumpula, Meilahti, Otaniemi, Töölö  and Viikki. Unisport offers group exercise, ball games, courses, dancing and climbing at a low cost, along with many other things.

Finnish Student Health Service organises various courses that are mainly free of charge, where you can exercise your stress away, relax your shoulders or prevent back pain. See the current course information on FSHS website.

You should also check out sports services offered by your municipality, as students are entitled to inexpensive season or series cards in Espoo and Helsinki swimming halls, for example. If you are already a top athlete or aiming at the top, we encourage you to contact the Metropolitan Area Sports Academy.

How can I get involved?

A number of sports associations operate within AYY, which are open to everyone who wants to join. See an updated listing in the sports associations section.

AYY trains sports tutors. Sports tutors are international tutors or tutors who have completed a separate sports tutor training. Sports tutors provide information on sports opportunities at the university and the nearby area, and you can certainly find a group for freshmen or new exercisers, where you can exercise together.

Where can I get more information?

AYY regularly communicates about sports events in AYY’s weekly published newsletter and the event calendar.

Contact information of the sports sector