International tutoring

Do you want to help international students to get a smooth start in their studies and guide them through student life at Aalto University? Would you like to try your intercultural skills in practice?

International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group, showing them around the campus and holding get-togethers. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time!

Enthusiastic international tutors are searched for in early spring. Student associations coordinate tutoring together with Aalto schools (CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI, BIZ and ARTS). The tutor recruiting forms of different associations usually open up in early spring.

Tutoring guidebooks

The tutors should read carefully the International tutors’ guidebook:

International tutors’ guide

NB: It is recommendable to print the Checklist and keep it with you during the first week!


AYY organizes trainings for international tutors. The trainings are held in mid-April and on in May. The exact dates and times will be announced early in the spring.

Some schools also organize their own additional trainings. It is very important that all tutors take part in the trainings. Trainings focus on practicalities related to the arrival to Finland, the services provided by the student union and the role of the tutors.

Credit point and expense reimbursement

International tutors are entitled to a credit point and starting from autumn 2018 to an expense reimbursement after attending AYY tutor trainings and returning a report from successful tutoring. All the information on tutoring will be gathered on the MyCourses page of the tutoring courses.

JOIN-A0001 – Pienryhmän ohjaus 01.04.2017-31.07.2018

JOIN-A0002 – Conducting Small Group Activities for International Students 01.04.2017-31.07.2018

International student’s and Finnish tutors’ experiences:

“I am thankful for the efforts of tutors to help us have a convenient stay here in Aalto!”

-Jürgen Neubauer, Exchange student 2013-2014, Chemical Technology

Harvoin pääsee tapaamaan niin paljon mielenkiintoisia ihmisiä eri puolilta maailmaa. Vaihto-opiskelijat myös arvostavat ISOtoimintaa ihan eri tavalla kuin suomalaiset.”

– Laura Sirola, Computer Science

“Ehkä parasta oli vieraileminen Unkarissa ja Italiassa muutaman tuutoroimani vaihto-opiskelijan luona. Näytin heille suomalaista elämää täällä ja nyt he tekivät vastapalveluksen.”

– Niklas Ilkka, Chemical Technology