There to Help and Guide New Students
Each new student has their own tutoring group, which includes a handful of other new students of the same subject and at least one tutor, or older student.
The goal of tutoring is not only to familiarize new students with their studies, but also to warmly welcome them into the academic community of Aalto and the student associations they are most interested in. Tutors also make sure that the basic needs of new students are being fulfilled.
Feedback on tutoring can be given to the different tutor leaders, coordinators and freshman captains found in guilds and other student associations, or directly to the AYY official responsible for new students.
How Does One Become a Tutor?
Tutors are recruited and coordinated on a school and student association level. At the technology schools tutor recruiting and training is handled by the different student guilds and in the School of Art and Design it is handled by the Teaching and Learning Support Services. At the School of Business, the student office and the Association of Economics Students KY are responsible for tutors.
What Is It Like to Be a Tutor?
Tutors have a very important role to play, especially in the first weeks of the autumn term. Tutors hold get-togethers for their freshmen groups, show them around the campus, tell them about the conventions and practices of the university and also help them get started with their studies.
Even though tutors are most important in the beginning of studies, tutoring is not over after the first week. Tutors stay in contact with the freshmen of their group throughout the first year, optimally for longer.
Of course, tutoring is never a cranky, humourless affair. Besides helping new students begin their studies, tutors get to re-live their freshman year and take part in many of the freshman events (sometimes as organizers, though, but still).
AYY, Aalto University and the societies and associations involved in tutoring organize different fun happenings for tutors to thank them for the important work they do. These can be skiing trips, try-out-new-sports days, parties or something else entirely!
International Tutoring
There are also international tutoring groups at Aalto which consist of exchange students and international degree students, as well as mixed tutoring groups, in which part of the students are Finnish and part are international students. The support of international tutors is extremely important for international students arriving to Finland for the first time. It is also a chance for the tutor to develop his or her own language skills and cultural competences. The international group adds its own extra challenge and fun to tutoring. Click here for more information about international tutoring.
Sports Tutors
Sports tutors are an active group who stand out from the rest. They know everything there is to know about the sports facilities and exercise opportunities of Aalto University. They also inform students about all the different upcoming sports events. So, if you need to find the best exercise programmes around, just seek out a sports tutor and ask.
A tutor-teacher is a teacher who is also a tutor, and every student has one. Tutor-teachers are organized by schools and degree programmes. Teacher tutors, in cooperation with student tutors and student advisors, help new students select their major subjects and tell them about employment prospects.