The suggestions of Lehikoinen working group facilitate the education system


The memo of the working group of the Ministry of Education, led by Anita Lehikoinen, was released today and it includes plenty of good proposals for reform. In the opinion of the student unions of Aalto University, the Universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku and Tampere University of Technology, the improving of study counselling, summer studies and the well-being of students are very supportable and effective measures to shorten study times.

The study counselling of upper secondary education has been a grievance of the Finnish education system for a long time . The student unions consider that the better resourcing of study counselling in upper secondary education and the making of personal plans for postgraduate studies are effective ways to support the Finnish youth into successful careers. Particularly praiseworthy is how the memo draws attention to the support and well-being of students in higher education – we need study psychologists and better guidance.

The student unions find it problematic that the selection of students is mainly based on the grades of the matriculation certificates. In small quotas, the selection based on the matriculation certificate does not distinguish applicants sufficiently, nor take into account the suitability in the field of arts, for example. A career choice should not depend on one short period of life or, at worst, on the choices of general studies. In addition, the emphasis on the matriculation places the applicants in an unequal position depending on the upper secondary school where they have passed the matriculation examination. Even if the emphasis on the certificate would be moderately increased, the access to university should be possible through entrance examinations also in the future.

After the public debate, the working group has transferred the development proposals concerning free education from the actual memo to a separate attachment. Because of this, it has almost been forgotten in public that the different models of tuition fees are still being discussed as realistic options. This discussion, which is significant for the Finnish society, must take place in public and by taking political responsibility.

Finally, the student unions would like to thank the working group on their support for year-round studies. Particularly during the recession, the need for summer teaching is emphasised and it is neither unnecessary in those years when there are more jobs available. The student unions believe that the report provides a good basis for the development of the education system.

In different parts of southern Finland on 18 March 2010

Katri Korolainen-Virkajärvi
Chairperson of the Board, the Student Union of the University of Helsinki

Johanna Pietiläinen
Chairperson of the Board, the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä

Aleksi Rantala
Chairperson of the Board, the Student Union of the University of Tampere

Jyri Vuorinen
Chairperson of the Board, the Student Union of the Tampere University of Technology

Elias Laitinen
Chairperson of the Board,the Student Union of the University of Turku

Janne Peltola
Board Member, Aalto University Student Union

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