Looking for the Teachers of the Year!

In 2011, Aalto University will pay particular attention to teaching. The Aalto University Student Union wishes to support this goal by creating a tradition in which students pay homage to distinguished teachers in the various schools of Aalto. The Teacher of the Year prize will be awarded to the best teachers in each school in the first anniversary celebration of the Aalto University Student Union on 5 February 2011.

The Aalto University Student Union will choose the Teachers of the Year based on the students’ nominations. When selecting the winners, we take the following criteria into consideration:

  • contents of teaching
  • taking students into consideration
  • the suitability of methods and material used in teaching
  • student guidance, also outside teaching sessions
  • informing about teaching
  • innovativeness in teaching

In addition to this criteria, we may consider other reasons included in the nominations, in the spirit of the purpose of this prize. So go to the address vuodenopettaja.ayy.fi and do your share on the development of teaching at Aalto!

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