AYY’s Teachers of the Year selected for the first time

High quality teaching is an essential part of a positive learning experience and therefore the development of quality in teaching benefits the students. AYY wishes to support the development of teaching at Aalto University by paying homage to teachers who have merited in the field of teaching, in particular. We hope that the prize, which is distributed for the first time this year, will become a tradition across the whole Aalto University. With this prize, students can concretely contribute to the improvement of teaching. The winners were selected based on the students’ nominations in AYY’s first anniversary on 5 February. In accordance with the spirit of Aalto, we chose one teacher to be awarded from each six schools of Aalto. The selection criteria included, among other things, the contents of teaching, student-centred teaching, innovativeness in teaching and student guidance.

The following persons were awarded with the Teacher of the Year prize 2010 and the first operational year of Aalto University in AYY’s anniversary on 5 February 2011:

  • School of Engineering – Arvo Vitikainen
  • School of Economics – Mikko Tarkkala
  • School of Chemical Technology- Ville Alopaeus
  • School of Science – Hannele Wallenius
  • School of Electrical Engineering – Kimmo Silvonen
  • School of Art and Design- Petri Lankoski

The teachers of the year will be awarded with medals of honour in AYY’s colours made by the students of the University of Art and Design. In addition, we will create a photo wall to each of the schools where we collect the photos of the best teachers of each year.

Congratulations for the winners and big thank you for excellent teaching! You have inspired the students and set an example for other teachers!

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