Apply for the BEST summer courses before 20.3!

Best summer courses are here!! Pick the best ones from 50 different topics. You can spend 2 weeks in sunny Portugal and gain new ideas and contacts in field of entrepreneurship. Or see Istanbul behind camera lens by participating to the summers best photographing course. Or if feel bit childish, head to Copenhagen for Lego MINDSTORMS and gain same basic knowledge about robotics. And yeah this time courses are free, because Aalto University has recognize that BEST courses are useful and therefore pays course fees for academic courses! So don’t hesitate to apply!

Some picks from the course list:

Manage Your Future: Career Design
Brno, Czech Republic, from 12 June 2011 until 23 June 2011,

LEt’s GO! Don’t MIND the STORMS
Copenhagen, Denmark, from 15 August 2011 until 26 August 2011,

LEADERS- Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some will be made in Skopje!
Skopje, Macedonia, from 3 July 2011 until 13 July 2011,

Be Wise – Enterprise!
Type: BEST Course on Career Related Skills
Lisbon, Portugal, from 1 August 2011 until 15 August 2011,

Music and Technology: Loud and Clear!
Porto, Portugal, from 30 August 2011 until 12 September 2011,

By applying to the BEST Summer courses, you can make your wildest dreams come true – and it’s free! The participant fee for the academic courses is paid by Aalto University and includes food, accommodation, program and transportation at the location. Now you have the opportunity to spend 1-2 weeks during summer somewhere in Europe for almost just the price of the plane tickets! The last day to apply is Sunday 20.3.2011.

Go to and choose the courses that you find most interesting and apply before 20.3.2011!

For more information about the courses or about the BEST-organization contact the local Helsinki group: We can also give advice on how to write a good motivation letter. Futhermore, you are more than welcome to join our local BEST group, do not hesitate to contact us! You can become more international-minded even in your home country!

You can join to BEST mailing list by sending your contact info to

So, what are these BEST courses?

  • Academic courses with a technology topic, organized around Europe
  • 1-2 weeks long
  • A free way to see Europe. The fee is payed by Aalto University includes accommodation, food, program and transportation at the location.
  • Organized by local students. No boring guided tours.
  • Less lectures, more action (company visits, workshops)
  • Open for every Aalto student (including exchange students and freshmen)

How to apply?

  • Go to and choose the most interesting courses (max. 3.)
  • In the application you need to write a motivation letter. Keep in mind that it’s the local students who will choose the participants, so don’t write a job application. For more information about the motivation letter contact us:

Why apply?

  • Why not?
  • Cheap way to experience and see new things
  • After the course you will have around 30 new friends around Europe.
  • You will see a European city in a totally new way with the local students
  • More good reasons to apply, experiences or other information available by asking us:

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