Do you want to learn about new cultures and different kind of student life? Check this out!

BALTECH Student Exchange is a project designed to develop student cooperation and mobility between students from universities participating in BALTECH Consortium.

In this two-way exchange two student groups of 4 to 8 students from different BALTECH Universities but same fields of studies visit each other. Both groups act as hosts and guests, thus building briges between  the two faculty-based student organizations. The exchange includes  academical elements, like company or laboratory visits and also non-formal events to support cultural understanding.

The deadline to apply for funding exchanges in autumn 2011 is 13th of May 2011. The applications must be submited to contact persons in each university. More information can be found from here. Each group can get up to 700 euros funding.

So please contact your guild or subject association and ask them if they are arranging this. If not, ask them if you could do it for them 🙂

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