Be part of the Aalto – China day 14.5.2011

How would you like to get to know Tongji students personally? Would you like to design a Chinese Pavilion for the World Design Capital 2012 year? Would you like to be part of a workshop together with Chinese students.

All this is possible during the Aalto-China day that takes place Saturday May 14th, at Salmisaari, in the Masters of Arts 2011 Exhibition space, Porkkalankatu 13 G. The event starts at 12 and ends around 17.

What is the workshop about?

The event is part of the Tongji on Tracks (ToT) project, 80 students from Tongji University, Shanghai, arrive by train to Finland May 10th and will spend the next 10 days here. Aalto University hosts the visit, which can be seen as a continuation for the Aalto on Tracks project that took place last year. The 10-day-visit is filled with program one of them being the Aalto-China day at MoA.

Aalto-China day consists of getting first hand information about WDC2012 project, learning about Chinese education and China itself, of “baptizing” the ToT students to be WDC 2012 Ambassadors and of a inspiring workshop to design the Chinese Pavillion for Helsinki and for the WDC2012 year. In addition to this the events is about getting to know each other, have lunch, socialize and enjoy!

The Aalto-China day is open for everyone to join but requires registration. Register here:

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