Association Newsletter 2/2011

Association Newsletter 2/2011

This is AYY’s renewed association newsletter! From now on, the association newsletter will be published once a week every Friday during the academic terms. If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your email, please subscribe at

If you want to get your own news to the association newsletter, please send them no later than 10am on Wednesday to Joonas at We hope to publish as many association-related news as possible, so please be active! ☺

In this weeks newsletter

  1. AYY allocated the operating grants for the year 2011
  2. The association’s profile as a requirement for receiving the grant
  3. Is your information up to date in National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland?
  4. Who deserves Women and Technology Prize 2011?
  5. Tupsahdus Concert on 14 May

1. AYY allocated the operating grants for the year 2011

AYY’s Board has decided the amounts of the operating grants for the year 2011. The results are available at / jaetut-toiminta-avustukset-2011/. The page lists all the associations which were allocated the operating grant this year. A plus sign indicates an increased operating grant. If you have any questions about the grants or if you want to give feedback on the process, you can reach everyone in the operational sector at We are very pleased to receive feedback and suggestions for development!

2. The association’s profile as a requirement for receiving the grant

As we notified you before the allocation of the operating grants, the requirement for receiving the operating grant for the year 2011 is to have a valid and up to date association profile in Please check immediately what is the situation of your association. If your association does not have the user namee for or if you have lost it, please get in touch with Joonas ( or our Web Developer Rekik ( Please write to Rekik in English and you will get a faster reply. ☺

3. Is your information up to date in National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland?

Please remember that whenever the association’s signatories (Chair, Secretary/Vice Chair) or rules change, new information should also be updated to National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland (PRH). It is easy to update information by using the electronic form. If your association is not yet a registered association, PRH’s website has good instructions for registration.

4. Who deserves Women and Technology Prize 2011?

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering awards Women and Technology prize from Marja-Terttu Tanttinen fund. The prize is now awarded for the sixth time and the award sum is 1,000 euro. The prize aims to encourage women to start studying technology and to facilitate the academic success of women studying technology.

In 2011, the prize is allocated for the women of the future. The prize will be allocated to an idea or project which promotes girls’ and women’s enthusiasm to study mathematics and scientific subjects and to apply for studies in the field of technology. We hope to receive ideas from the guilds of Aalto University School of Technology about how to support mathematical studies of girls in primary, secondary and upper secondary schools. The proposal may be, for example, extracurricular activities in schools led by technology students or some other campaign or project proposal which encourages students to study and which schools could implement by themselves or with the help of technology students or Aalto University. The proposal may also be something that has never been thought before!

The decision for the winner will be done by the scholarship and fund committee of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. The prize will be awarded in the autumn of 2011.

A person or group aiming for the prize can register as a candidate. Free-form written proposals with justification can be submitted no later than 3.45pm on 30 June 2011 to Henna Paananen at PL 13000, 00076 AALTO.

For further information on the scholarship, please contact Coordinator Henna Paananen, henna.paananen(at), tel. (09) 450 22 202.

5. Tupsahdus Concert on 14 May

Tupsahdus Concert will be arranged in Espoo Cultural Centre in Tapiola at 6pm on Saturday, 14 May. The music associations of Aalto University Student Union will perform in the concert. The performers include Dominante, PoliRytmi, Polytech Choir, Polytech Orchestra and Retuperän WBK. Tupsahdus concert is a unique opportunity to hear the star performers of Otaniemi music associations during one night!

This year, the concert will once again be open to students and tickets are available for 8 euro in advance or at the entrance for the price of 10 euro one hour before the concert. Tickets will be sold in the lobby of the main building of the former School of Technology on 10-12 May, 10am-2pm, and at Otaniemi service point (Secretariat) and Tiketti.

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