Reclaimed proposals in the insignia contest were selected

AYY’s insignia working group reviewed the competition entries which participated in the insignia contest between 18 Apr–31 May and selected the proposals which will be reclaimed.

Sixteen proposals participated in the contest. The insignia working group heard expert opinions and awarded three proposals which will be reclaimed for the use of the Student Union. The insignia working group, however, decided not to award the main prize.

The reclaimed proposals and their designers in alphabetical order according to the name of the proposal are:

  • Aallon liekki – working group ’Kulttuurin viholliset’ (Pipsa Penttinen and Janne Peltola)
  • Siipiratas – Petri Savolainen
  • Three tree – Timo Tontti

The contest winners were informed about the results. The insignia working group would like to thank all the participants.

The insignia working group will continue its work and use the reclaimed proposals when preparing the final proposal for the Student Union’s insignia. AYY’s Representative Council will eventually decide on the insignia and other symbols to be used in the Student Union.

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