New parking spaces in Teekkari Village rented to associations

In August-September 2011, AYY will construct approximately 12 new gravel parking spaces in the area of Jämeräntaival 5 and 7 in Teekkari Village, which are primarily rented to associations in AYY’s association register. The rent of the parking space is 7 euro/month.

Parking spaces are distributed on the basis of applications to the associations in AYY’s association register in a means-tested order. An association may be granted more than one parking space. Lease agreements are drawn up and parking spaces are handed over when they are completed in September.

You can review the location of the planned parking spaces in the attached images. The location or number of parking spaces may change from these images.

Applying for a parking space

Applications should be submitted by Tuesday, 13 Sept 2011 to with the title “Yhdistyksen parkkipaikkahakemus”.

The application must include the following information:

  1. Name of the association
  2. Details of the contact person
  3. Number of applied parking spaces
  4. Desired location of the parking spaces applied for (see the map above)
  5. Clarification on the need for parking space and reasons for granting the parking space

Further information

Concerning association affairs: Otto Palonen, 050 520 9435
Concerning the application process or parking spaces: Kalle-Heikki Koskinen, 050 520 9416

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