AYY: Jarno Lappalainen nominated for the position of SYL’s chairperson 2012


For immediate release

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) nominates Technology Student Jarno Lappalainen for the position of the chairperson of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) for the year of 2012.

Jarno is a 24-year-old student of Industrial Engineering and Management who has studied Communication Technology as his minor subject. In his current post as the vice chairperson of SYL, he has had the primary responsibility for coordinating Opintotuki indeksiin campaign. In addition, Jarno has been determined to develop SYL’s communications to a more approachable and open direction. Previously, he has fought for free education and trilingualism in AYY’s Board, among other things.

“In the midst of the challenges in the past year, it has been very easy to fall in love with the student movement even more passionately. By the next year’s municipal elections, we have to find a new direction and focus on how the Finnish university students will be represented in the coming years”, Lappalainen contemplates.

Now, after gaining extensive experience, Jarno is ready to step behind the wheel of the student movement. The year 2012 demands openness, cooperation and interactive leadership in order to achieve the student movement’s challenging main goal together – making the university cities the most youth-friendly cities in Finland.

“During the first year of AYY, creating something new was a natural course of action. It was exhilarating to see that in the 90-year-old SYL, Jarno has worked with the same enthusiasm and open-mindedness, tackling new challenges and questioning the greyness of the central organisation level”, Chairperson of the AYY  Board Saara Hyrkkö enthuses.

SYL will appoint the board for the year 2012 in the union meeting in Hyvinkää on 18–19 November. SYL represents the Finnish university students on the national level and  comments on educational, social and international issues.

Further information:
Saara Hyrkkö, 040 719 7604, saara.hyrkko@ayy.fi
Teemu Halme, 050 520 9415, teemu.halme@ayy.fi
Jarno Lappalainen, 040 053 6973, jarno.lappalainen@ayy.fi

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